How did jomo Kenyatta begin the struggle to achieve independence in Kenya

A. Through armed rebellion
B. Through nonviolent resistance
C. Through the intervention of US forces
D. Through the support of the Soviet funding

B. Through nonviolent resistance

The Iranian revolution that are brought Anatole Rudolph code he needed me to power 1979 resided in the park was from what factor

A. Anger at Western
B growth of influence from
C. Nationalization of various
D. Resistance to Islamic fundamentalism

A. Anger at Western influence.

How did the Great depression affect Europe

A. American workers immigrated to Europe and large numbers to find
B. Overproduction made American goods too expensive for Europeans to buy
C. US Bank stop investments in Europe and demanded repayment of foreign loans
D. The United States Lord tariffs and demanded more European goods

C. US Banks stopped investments in Europe and demanded repayment of foreign loans.

Among which portion of the population did male Zedong and Chinese Communist win enough support to drive out Jiang Joshi and the gummo dang

A. Middle class
B. Nationalist
C. Peasant farmers
D. Religious zealots

C. Peasant farmers

I know you would not mind if we could fight and rest the skeptor from your hand you know that we are powerless to do that for you have insured or incapacity to fight an open and honorable battle.

Whose words are those
A. Fidel Castro
B. Mahadas Gandhi
C. Ruhollah kohmini
D. Yitzhak Rabin

B. Mahatma Gandhi

Which major source of discontent United many Mexicans behind emiliano Zapata

A. Economic differences
B. Foreign investments
C. Military repression
D religious persecution

A. Economic differences.

How did the industrialization spur European imperialism in the 19th century

A. European businesses needed larger workforces
B European citizens depend on competition to win better wages
C. European nation salt sources of raw material and industry
D. European rulers require more land to house excess populations

C. European nations sought sources of raw materials for industry.

Which leader LED nationalist revolutions that freed much of South America and Spanish rule

A.p Dom Pedro
B. Father Jose Morales
C. Father Miguel hildago
D. Simon boulevard
E Tucson l overture

D. Simon Bolivar

Simon boulevard

Father Jose Morales

The correct spelling is Simon Bolivar and Father Jose Morelos. My apologies for the error in my previous response.

The US declaration of independence and the French declaration of Rights of men both Drew on which enlightenment idea

A. Citizens must demonstrate their ability to rule themselves
B. Nation should fight to prove their right to Independence
C. People are born with inherent rights that must be protected
D rules and the ruled have shared rights and responsibilities

C. People are born with inherent rights that must be protected.

Which characteristics of government did the US Constitution codify in 1787 select all that apply

A. Election of Representatives to a lawmaking body
B. A establishment of limited government
C.p centralization of power in a strong executive
D. Equality of citizens under law
E. A system of checks and balances among branches of government
F. Primacy of state and local governments over Federal authorities

A. Election of Representatives to a lawmaking body

B. Establishment of limited government
E. A system of checks and balances among branches of government
D. Equality of citizens under law.

A.B .D

Here are the explanations of the options you selected:

A. Election of Representatives to a lawmaking body - The US Constitution codified the idea of a representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make laws that govern them.

B. Establishment of limited government - The US Constitution establishes a government with defined powers and limited authority.

D. Equality of citizens under law - The US Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law to all citizens, regardless of race, gender, or any other characteristic.

Note: Option C is incorrect as the US Constitution established a system of separation of powers and did not centralize power in one branch of government. Option F is also incorrect as the US Constitution established a federal system with powers divided between national and state governments, but with ultimate authority resting with the national government.