kann jemand mir helfen und F-Regeln für diesen Satz schreiben?

Inge,weiß,dass er sie nicht leiden kann.

vielleicht klingt der Satz ein wenig komisch aber so mussen wir es machen

I don't know what "F-rules" are, but the sentence should be written without the two commas and means, in English:

Inge knows that he cannot suffer (or stand) her.

F-Regeln.Zum Beispiel
I eat apple.


NP(nominalph) VP(verbalph)

I eat NP


I am hoping than SraJMcGin will help you with these "F-regeln" distinctions. I am not familiar with them

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I found a lot of German sites in German but not too much in English. Here is one:

1. http://www.fujipress.jp/finder/xslt.php?mode=present&inputfile=JACII000700030001.xml

2. http://cambodia.ahrchk.net/mainfile.php/19981218/7/

Some interesting trivia is that there is an "F-rule" in pizza that you can't decorate with any word beginning with the letter "F!"

There was also a biology site with that term in the title, but looking at the site didn't clarify anything.

Ich kann schon ziemlich gut Deutsch, aber von einer F-Regel habe ich noch nie gehöhrt.
drwls hat Recht, dein Satz braucht keine Kommas.

From what I have been able to figure out by Googling "F-Regel" for German sources, it is a term often applied in logic and stands for "fuzzy" logic rules. How this would apply to your short and simple sentences is beyond me.

My wife is a native German, and she has never heard of "F-Regel" in a grammar or sentence-structure context.

Begründe die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Zeitformen in diesem Satz.

„Da läuft irgendwas, da drüben, bei den anderen Umkleidekabinen!“, flüsterte
mein Bruder...

I apologize, but it seems that the term "F-Regeln" is not widely recognized or used in the context of sentence structure or grammar. It is possible that it may refer to a specific concept or rule in a specific field or region that is not well-known or commonly used.

However, based on the sentence you provided, "Inge, weiß, dass er sie nicht leiden kann," here is a possible analysis of the sentence structure using basic German grammar rules:

- S (Satz): "Inge, weiß, dass er sie nicht leiden kann" (Inge knows that he cannot stand her)
- NP (Nominalphrase): "Inge" (Inge)
- VP (Verbalphrase): "weiß, dass er sie nicht leiden kann" (knows that he cannot stand her)
- NP (Nominalphrase): "er" (he)
- NP (Nominalphrase): "sie" (her)
- VP (Verbalphrase): "nicht leiden kann" (cannot stand)

Again, I apologize for not being able to provide a more specific answer related to the term "F-Regeln." Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.