Novel Themes Quick Check

As an AI language model, I do not have access to the specific questions in your "Novel Themes Quick Check". However, below are some common themes addressed in many novels:

1. Love and relationships - exploring romantic love, family ties, friendships and loyalties.
2. Identity - examining one's sense of self and how it is shaped by society.
3. Coming of age - depicting the process of growing up and finding one's place in the world.
4. Power and control - analyzing the struggle for dominance and the abuse of authority.
5. Society and social issues - highlighting the challenges faced by individuals within their communities, such as racism, classism, and poverty.
6. Good versus evil - delving into the conflict between opposing moral values, beliefs, and actions.
7. Redemption and forgiveness - showing the possibility of change, forgiveness and second chances.
8. Death and mortality - grappling with the inevitability of death and the human fear of mortality.
9. War and conflict - exposing the effects of war and conflict on individuals and society.
10. Nature and the environment - exploring the relationship between humans and the natural world.

Which of the following choices defines the theme of a narrative or novel?(1 point)


the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer
the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer

the statement an author makes in the introduction
the statement an author makes in the introduction

the conflicts that characters encounter throughout the story
the conflicts that characters encounter throughout the story

the one-word topic that the author wants the reader to focus on

the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer.

Which statement best expresses the theme of the novel?(1 point)


You can be happy if you really try.
You can be happy if you really try.

Face every day with a sense of humor.
Face every day with a sense of humor.

Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.
Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.

Winning requires a good attitude.
Winning requires a good attitude.

Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.

Which quote does not provide text evidence to support the theme of Out of My Mind? (1 point)


“Hmmm, I thought. Claire gets sick in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yet I’m the one everybody looks at sideways.”
“Hmmm, I thought. Claire gets sick in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yet I’m the one everybody looks at sideways.”

“What your body looks like has nothing to do with how well your brain works!”
“What your body looks like has nothing to do with how well your brain works!”

“I have spastic bilateral quadriplegia, also known as cerebral palsy. It limits my body, but not my mind.”
“I have spastic bilateral quadriplegia, also known as cerebral palsy. It limits my body, but not my mind.”

“All kids are special", Mrs. V had replied with authority. "But this one has hidden superpowers. I’d love to help her find them".

“Hmmm, I thought. Claire gets sick in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yet I’m the one everybody looks at sideways.”

Are you sure?

Yes, I am sure. The quote, “Hmmm, I thought. Claire gets sick in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yet I’m the one everybody looks at sideways,” does not provide text evidence to support the theme of Out of My Mind. This quote does not relate to the theme of the book which is about overcoming obstacles and exceeding expectations regardless of physical limitations.


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