How long does Antimalware Service Executable last on Windows 11 laptop?

Antimalware Service Executable is a component of Windows Defender, which is a built-in antivirus program in Windows 11. It runs continuously in the background to scan and protect your system from malware. So, it will remain active as long as you are running Windows 11 on your laptop and have not disabled Windows Defender. However, its resource usage may vary depending on your usage and the number of files and applications on your system.

Will it stop after it's done?

No, Antimalware Service Executable will not stop after it's done. It will continue to run in the background as long as your laptop remains on and Windows Defender is enabled. This is to ensure that your system remains protected against malware and other security threats. Windows Defender updates its virus definitions regularly, so Antimalware Service Executable will continue to run to check for any new threats and keep your system secure. However, you can customize when it runs by adjusting the Windows Defender settings.

How can i adjusting the Windows Defender settings?

To adjust the Windows Defender settings on your Windows 11 laptop, follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Start" button and select "Settings" (gear icon) from the list.
2. Click on "Update & Security" and then select "Windows Security" from the left-hand menu.
3. Click on "Virus & threat protection" and then click on "Manage settings" under "Virus & threat protection settings".
4. Here, you will find several options to customize when and how Windows Defender runs. For example, you can turn off real-time protection, which will stop Antimalware Service Executable from running in the background all the time. You can also schedule periodic scans at specific times to minimize the impact on your system's performance.

Note: We do not recommend turning off real-time protection unless you are installing trusted software or making system changes that are approved by a trusted source. Disabling real-time protection can leave your system vulnerable to security threats.

In "Manage settings" under "Virus & threat protection settings", how do I turn off the Antimalware Service Executable?

You can't turn off Antimalware Service Executable directly as it is a critical component of Windows Defender. However, you can turn off real-time protection, which will stop Antimalware Service Executable from running in the background all the time, by following these steps:

1. Click on the "Start" button and select "Settings" (gear icon) from the list.
2. Click on "Update & Security" and then select "Windows Security" from the left-hand menu.
3. Click on "Virus & threat protection" and then click on "Manage settings" under "Virus & threat protection settings".
4. Toggle off the switch under "Real-time protection".

Note: We do not recommend turning off real-time protection unless you are installing trusted software or making system changes that are approved by a trusted source. Disabling real-time protection can leave your system vulnerable to security threats.

I can't Toggle off the switch under "Real-time protection". Why is it doing this?

If you are unable to toggle off the switch under "Real-time protection" in the Windows Security settings, it may be because your Windows 11 laptop is managed by an IT administrator or security policy that has restricted access to this feature. In this case, you will not be able to turn off Antimalware Service Executable or Windows Defender's real-time protection.

If you need to turn off real-time protection for a specific reason, you may need to check with your IT administrator or consult your organization's security policies to see if this is allowed or if there is an alternative way to achieve your goal.

Note: We do not recommend turning off real-time protection unless you are installing trusted software or making system changes that are approved by a trusted source. Disabling real-time protection can leave your system vulnerable to security threats.

is there a way to turn off it in task scheduler?

It's not recommended to turn off Antimalware Service Executable directly, as it is a critical component of Windows Defender that is responsible for real-time scanning and malware protection. However, if you want to disable a scheduled scan in Task Scheduler, you can try the following steps:

1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type "taskschd.msc" and click OK to open Task Scheduler.
3. In the Task Scheduler Library, navigate to Microsoft > Windows > Windows Defender.
4. In the right panel, select the scheduled scan that you want to disable.
5. Right-click on the selected scheduled scan and select "Disable" from the context menu.

This will stop the selected scheduled scan from running, but Antimalware Service Executable will continue to run in the background as part of Windows Defender's real-time protection.

Is there another way?

Disabling a scheduled scan in Task Scheduler will only stop the scan from running at the scheduled time. Antimalware Service Executable will continue to run in the background to monitor system activity and scan for malware.

As Antimalware Service Executable is a critical component of Windows Defender and provides real-time scanning and malware protection, it is not recommended to turn it off or disable it. Disabling real-time protection can leave your system vulnerable to security threats.

If you are experiencing issues with Antimalware Service Executable consuming too much CPU or disk usage, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Update Windows Defender to its latest version.
2. Run a full system scan to check for malware.
3. Exclude specific files or folders from Windows Defender's scanning process.
4. Disable any third-party antivirus software that is conflicting with Windows Defender.
5. Check for malware or viruses using a trusted third-party malware removal tool.

If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, you can try to contact Microsoft Support for further assistance.