In the Onondagan myth of Star Woman, females are emphasized as

a) as forces of evil
b) creators of the universe
c) as part of evil twins
d) as bringers of fire and teachers of hunting

b) creators of the universe

The Icelandic apocalypse myth of Ragnarok is a reminder of the reality of surviving a harsh environment.

True or false?

The Icelandic apocalypse myth of Ragnarok is a reminder of the reality of surviving a harsh environment.

a) True
b) False

Select all that apply:

In the Chinese myth of Yin and Yang, the excerpt " When Phan Ku finally died, his skull became the top of the sky, his breadth the wind, his voice thunder, his legs and arms the four directions, his flesh the soil, his blood the rivers..." (as cited in Leeming, 2019, p. 27), is reminiscent of
a) Tiamat's body becoming various parts of the landscape
b) the significance of balance
c) the power of human beings
d) the emergence of human beings
e)the application of a human form to the creation of natural elements

a) Tiamat's body becoming various parts of the landscape and b) the significance of balance

Select all that apply:

What does the following excerpt from the Arabian End of the World story represent :

"Then the righteous and wicked alike will cross the bridge into Paradise, which is as thin as a hair. The righteous will cross it with ease, even as the wicked fall down into the chasm of hell..." (as cited in Leeming, 2019, p. 76).

a) the human tendency to apply what is known to what is not known
b) the creation of the universe
c) the apocalypse
d) a warning

a) the human tendency to apply what is known to what is not known and d) a warning

According to David Leeming (2019) " humans have the capacity to conceive not only of the present but of the past and the future" (p. 72). What types of myths does this statement refer to specifically?

a) punishment
b) creation and apocalypse
c) animal formation
d) Male - Female couplings

b) creation and apocalypse

The Icelandic apocalypse myth of Ragnarok is a reminder of the reality of surviving a harsh environment.

a) True
b) False

b) False. The Icelandic apocalypse myth of Ragnarok is not specifically a reminder of the reality of surviving a harsh environment, but rather deals with the ultimate destiny of the gods and the world they inhabit.