An illustration shows two irregularly shaped objects side by side. Each is separated into six layers. The descriptions of the layers from top to bottom are as follows. The first layer is labeled 300 mya. The second layer is labeled 250 mya. The third layer is labeled 100 mya. The fourth layer is not labeled. The fifth layer is labeled 50 mya. The sixth layer is labeled 10 mya. The left object is captioned South America. In this object, four out of the six layers have illustrations inside. The first layer shows some leaves and is labeled tree ferns. The second layer shows a skull with an elongated snout. This is labeled Mesosaurus. The third layer shows a larger skull with a short snout and large teeth. This is labeled T. rex. The fourth and fifth layers are empty. The sixth layer has a skull that is smaller than the others and has no snout. This is labeled human. The right object is captioned Africa. In this object, five out of the six layers have illustrations inside. The first layer shows some leaves and is labeled tree ferns. The second layer shows a skull with an elongated snout. This is labeled Mesosaurus. The third layer shows a larger skull with a short snout. This is labeled Allosaurus. The fourth layer shows a skull with a short, thin snout. This is labeled horse. The fifth layer is empty. The sixth layer has a skull that is smaller than the others and has no snout. This is labeled human.

Which statement makes a correct observation of the image above?


No fossils of organisms were from before 250 million years ago. The Mesosaurus fossil from 250 million years ago was found in both Africa and South America.

Humans are the only organisms whose fossils were found on both the African and South American continents.

The same fossils were always found in South American and Africa. The only difference is that horses were found in Africa and not South America.

Until about 250 million years ago, fossils of the same organisms were found in both South America and Africa. After this, mostly different organisms were found.

Until about 250 million years ago, fossils of the same organisms were found in both South America and Africa. After this, mostly different organisms were found.

Scientists use radiometric dating to determine the exact age of rocks. What might scientists hypothesize about the natural structure shown in the image?


The lightest layers on the structure will be the oldest, while the darkest layers will be the youngest.

The highest layer on the structure will be the oldest, while the lowest layer will be the youngest.

The lowest layer on the structure will be the oldest, while the highest layer will be the youngest.

The darkest layers on the structure will be the oldest, while the lightest layers will be the youngest.

The lowest layer on the structure will be the oldest, while the highest layer will be the youngest.

Why do convergent boundaries cause the formation of volcanoes? (1 point)


When two plates collide, one goes under the other. This creates an area of high pressure, which causes mantle rock to melt into magma and shoot out onto the crust.
When two plates collide, one goes under the other. This creates an area of high pressure, which causes mantle rock to melt into magma and shoot out onto the crust.

When two plates move away from each other, they create a crack in the crust, or a fault. This fault can go all the way to the mantle, causing magma to shoot out onto the crust.
When two plates move away from each other, they create a crack in the crust, or a fault. This fault can go all the way to the mantle, causing magma to shoot out onto the crust.

When two plates move away from each other, the crust gets thinner. This allows magma to shoot out onto the surface of the crust and harden.
When two plates move away from each other, the crust gets thinner. This allows magma to shoot out onto the surface of the crust and harden.

When two plates collide, part of one plate is broken. This creates an area where the mantle is exposed to the air and magma shoots out onto the crust.
When two plates collide, part of one plate is broken. This creates an area where the mantle is exposed to the air and magma shoots out onto the crust.

When two plates collide, one goes under the other. This creates an area of high pressure, which causes mantle rock to melt into magma and shoot out onto the crust.

Acidic water is known to react with the substances in limestone, breaking it down. What is this process called?(1 point)



tectonic uplift
tectonic uplift




Monoculture, in which farmers raise a single crop in a field every year, can damage the soil. How much of a concern is this? (1 point)


A serious one because soil, once damaged, cannot be made fertile again within a human lifetime.
A serious one because soil, once damaged, cannot be made fertile again within a human lifetime.

A serious one, because damaged soil can harm fossil fuel reserves.
A serious one, because damaged soil can harm fossil fuel reserves.

This is not much of a problem because soil is a renewable resource.
This is not much of a problem because soil is a renewable resource.

Not a serious problem anymore, because soil damage can be fixed with recent technologies.

A serious one because soil, once damaged, cannot be made fertile again within a human lifetime.

Which natural resources can lead to a larger population in an area? (1 point)


Fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels.

Water only.
Water only.

Natural resources do not have a consistent relationship with population.
Natural resources do not have a consistent relationship with population.

Soil, animals that can be domesticated, and water.

Soil, animals that can be domesticated, and water.

Which is the most likely effect of sea level rising due to climate change?(1 point)


Populations will face greater famine.
Populations will face greater famine.

Populations will face more tsunami dangers.
Populations will face more tsunami dangers.

Populations will have to move further inland from the shore.
Populations will have to move further inland from the shore.

Populations will experience more severe storms.

Populations will have to move further inland from the shore.

Why do people no longer live in places like Picher, Oklahoma, or Bhopal, India?(1 point)


human-made subsidence
human-made subsidence

natural hazard of earthquake activity
natural hazard of earthquake activity

human-made contamination
human-made contamination

natural hazard of increasing frequency of storms

human-made contamination

Which is true about energy production?(1 point)


Fossil fuels should only be used in moderation to prevent climate change.
Fossil fuels should only be used in moderation to prevent climate change.

Fossil fuels are the cheapest forms of energy production.
Fossil fuels are the cheapest forms of energy production.

Solar and wind energy have become the cheapest forms of energy production.
Solar and wind energy have become the cheapest forms of energy production.

Global fossil fuel use is declining.
Global fossil fuel use is declining.

Solar and wind energy have become the cheapest forms of energy production.

Match the phenomenon with the correct impact.(4 points)

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Reduces an individual's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by 73%
Protects land from floods and rising seas
The primary cause/s of climate change
Results from an increase in farm lands
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- Reduces an individual's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by 73%: taking public transportation instead of driving alone

- Protects land from floods and rising seas: mangrove forests
- The primary cause/s of climate change: burning of fossil fuels
- Results from an increase in farmlands: deforestation

Earth Science Unit Test

12 of 1812 of 18 Items

Which is true about wood?(1 point)

Wood is unsustainable because it requires the killing of trees.
Wood is unsustainable because it requires the killing of trees.

While wood is more sustainable than steel or concrete, it is not as strong as those materials.
While wood is more sustainable than steel or concrete, it is not as strong as those materials.

While wood is more sustainable than steel or concrete, it is less safe because it is the most vulnerable material to fire.
While wood is more sustainable than steel or concrete, it is less safe because it is the most vulnerable material to fire.

Wood is very sustainable if it comes from sustainable forests.
Wood is very sustainable if it comes from sustainable forests.

Wood is very sustainable if it comes from sustainable forests.

Which of these is the best solution for an electronic product to be environmentally friendly? (1 point)


Choose metals that come from mines that use renewable energy.
Choose metals that come from mines that use renewable energy.

Choose materials other than metals.
Choose materials other than metals.

Choose metals that come from only American mines.
Choose metals that come from only American mines.

Choose recycled metals.

Choose recycled metals.

Which of these policies can cause electronic products to be designed using more recyclable materials?(1 point)


requiring companies to pay for disposal of their products
requiring companies to pay for disposal of their products

no such policy, because electronic items are necessarily made of unrecyclable materials.
no such policy, because electronic items are necessarily made of unrecyclable materials.

not requiring consumers to sort their recycling
not requiring consumers to sort their recycling

charging people for trashing items rather than recycling them

requiring companies to pay for disposal of their products

In 3–5 sentences explain how the evolution of photosynthetic organisms led to a drastic change in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. What evidence do we have that this event took place? How did it affect the biosphere?

The evolution of photosynthetic organisms led to a drastic change in Earth's atmosphere and oceans because it caused the rise of oxygen levels which transformed Earth's environment. Evidence for this includes the Great Oxygenation Event around 2.4 billion years ago when oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere. This event caused the rise of multicellular life, which eventually gave way to more complex life forms that were capable of colonizing other environments. This event led to the great biodiversity within the biosphere.

In 3–5 sentences, what is the evidence available for movements of Earth’s crust and continental plates?

The evidence available for movements of Earth's crust and continental plates includes the presence of seismic waves that help determine the structure of Earth's interior. Additionally, evidence can be found in the study of plate boundaries. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur where tectonic plates interact, which provides insight into plate movement. Additionally, geological features like mountain ranges and fossils provide evidence that points to distant times where continents were joined differently.

In at least 2 sentences, outline the causes and impacts of one of the following processes: volcanism, tectonic uplift, weathering, or erosion.

Volcanism is the process by which molten rock, ash, and other materials spew out of a volcanic vent. The cause of volcanism is the release of pressure created by the movement of tectonic plates that releases molten rock and ash to the surface. The impact of volcanism includes the creation of new landform features such as islands and mountains, build-up of soils, alteration of the atmosphere, and release of ash or lava that can lead to the destruction of plant and animal life.

Which factors influence whether buildings are sustainable? Write 3-5 sentences.

Several factors influence whether buildings are sustainable, including the materials used in their construction, energy-efficient designs, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, and water conservation practices. The use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is another important factor in determining a building's sustainability. Additionally, the location of the building influences sustainability, with urban settings generally requiring less energy and resources for transportation and having greater access to public transportation and shared services like water and sewage treatment. Finally, the design strategies used, such as the use of daylight and natural ventilation, can significantly reduce a building's environmental footprint.

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