6823617 to the nearest 5

The nearest 5 to 6823617 is 6823615.

28469241 to the nearest 5

The nearest 5 to 28469241 is 28469240.

976315463 to the nearest 5

The nearest 5 to 976315463 is 976315465.

13415978 to the nearest 1000

The nearest 1000 to 13415978 is 13416000.

28469241 to the nearest 1000

The nearest 1000 to 28469241 is 28469000.

976315463 to the nearest 1000

The nearest 1000 to 976315463 is 976316000.

13415978 to the nearest 100 000

The nearest 100,000 to 13415978 is 0 (since 13415978 is less than 100,000).

28469241 to the nearest 100 000

The nearest 100,000 to 28469241 is also 0 (since 28469241 is less than 100,000).

976315463 to the nearest 100 000

The nearest 100,000 to 976315463 is 1000000.