The height of a triangle is 1 in. more than twice the base. Find the base and the height if the area of the triangle is 52-1/2 sq in. (Please provide steps/explanation to solve this problem.)

lets the height of the triangle h, and the base is b

first sentence means h = 1 + 2b

Area of the triangle formula is

A = 1/2(b*h)

since h = 1 + 2b

then A = 1/2 [ b * (1+2b)]

then you just need to replace the A with the given number and solve for b. After you find b, substitute b into h = 1+ 2b to find h

good luck

Thanks for the help. :)

To solve this problem, let's carefully analyze the given information.

We know that the area of a triangle is given by the formula:

Area = (1/2) * base * height

We are given that the area of the triangle is 52 1/2 sq in. So we can set up the equation as follows:

52 1/2 = (1/2) * base * height

Now, let's proceed with solving the equation step by step:

1. We need to express 52 1/2 as a fraction. It can be written as 105/2.

105/2 = (1/2) * base * height

2. We are also given that the height of the triangle is 1 in. more than twice the base. We can express this relationship as follows:

height = 2(base) + 1

Substitute this into the equation:

105/2 = (1/2) * base * (2(base) + 1)

3. Simplify the equation:

105 = base * (2(base) + 1) [Multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate the fractions]

4. Expand the equation:

105 = 2(base)^2 + base

5. Rearrange the equation into a quadratic form:

2(base)^2 + base - 105 = 0

6. Now we have a quadratic equation:

2(base)^2 + base - 105 = 0

We can solve this by factoring or using the quadratic formula.

Let's use factoring here:

(2(base) - 7)(base + 15) = 0

Therefore, either 2(base) - 7 = 0 or base + 15 = 0

Solve each equation separately:

2(base) - 7 = 0 -> 2(base) = 7 -> base = 7/2 -> base = 3.5

base + 15 = 0 -> base = -15

Since we cannot have a negative value for the base, we discard the second solution.

7. Now that we have the base, we can substitute it back into the expression for the height:

height = 2(base) + 1

height = 2(3.5) + 1

height = 7 + 1

height = 8

Thus, the base of the triangle is 3.5 inches and the height is 8 inches.