Create an abstract image that represents the concept of sharing knowledge or communication. The image might include symbolic representations of a hand releasing information represented by luminous, glowing particles or lanterns. This scene should be placed on a background giving an impression of an open book, with no words or text. It should also convey the meaning of a flow of information from the writer's mind to the reader's mind.

What is the term for pieces of information or facts that the writer wants the reader to know?(1 point)






hi guys, Here is the answers for the pacing quick check!

1. how fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place
2. details
3. introspection
4. add more details

This gave me a 4/4! (100%) Let me know if you have any more questions :)

the answers are A,D,A,B

I got a 100%
btw the answers are probably not in order.

A fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place
D 2.details
A 3.introspection
B 4.add more details

ur welcome!!

Thanks @Violet :)

You did get me a 4/4. You WILL get a 100% if you follow the EXACT instructions and answers.

Dojo, out.

The term for pieces of information or facts that the writer wants the reader to know is "details".

What is the answers

Description of the characters is called ______________.

A) the setting

B) a personality

C) character development

D) cast list

When people in a story are quoted directly, the words are enclosed in ________________.

A) quotation marks

B) parentheses

C) commas

D) dialogue marks


thankns violet

The term for pieces of information or facts that the writer wants the reader to know is "details." To determine the correct answer, you can start by understanding the meaning of each option given.

1. Pacing refers to the speed or tempo at which a story is narrated, which may influence the reader's experience.
2. Impressions generally refer to the thoughts, feelings, or opinions left on someone's mind after an experience, which may not align with the context of information or facts that the writer intends to convey.
3. Narrative is the story or account of events, but it does not specifically signify the purpose of conveying information or facts.
4. Details, however, are specific pieces of information or facts that the writer provides to enhance understanding, provide evidence, or develop the story.

Therefore, among the given options, "details" is the most appropriate term to describe the pieces of information or facts that the writer wants the reader to know.

@viliot is kinda correct

i got a 4/4 but she like my answers where in a different spot like my first question was like her second but i had to infer what question's go to what answer.