Hello My Wonderful Freind

Hi there! How can I help you?

hi isaiah!!!

Good Mornig

gm, hru??

Good, You


I got my name back!

They ended the ban on it, yay!

@ni what now?

Oop, sorry for jumping in like this, @Isaiah. I'm @ni.'s friend, we are in another chat together. Is it ok if I chat in here with you?

Sure. Then you’re my friend too

Yay, thanks! I just wanted to ask permission since this is your chat :D

yea..good 4 u


i guess


it is good for me :D

I just posted a question called "A Couple (understatement) of Cow Jokes". Check it out!


So what are we doing


on ni. and I's chat we just talk about random stuff/whatever comes up
