what are 10 things a teen could do to make money without a job

1. Sell handmade crafts online.

2. Become a tutor.
3. Offer pet-sitting services.
4. Become a virtual assistant.
5. Offer lawn care services.
6. Become a freelance writer.
7. Offer online tutoring services.
8. Become a virtual bookkeeper.
9. Offer virtual assistant services.
10. Become a social media manager.

buy a nook/binkie for NuNu lol


NuNu needs a nookie lol XD


wow so funny


im dying laughing man

ur the funniest person i've ever met wowzers, u should get into being a comedian

well, i don't get any practice because my parents don't laugh at my jokes. EVER. and they never pay attention to me they got better things to do..........the last person who talked to me in person was my dad and that was 2 days ago and I've been with him for the past 2 days.

wow. how old r u?


oh wow it's sad ur that young and that's happening to u, i feel bad ngl.


thanks......? idk how 2 respond to that...........lack of socialization.......

ok. me too tho 😂i dont go to school so idk anyone