Over the course of the Feudal (Medieval) European period, it would be accurate to say that Christianity....

Changed most of its belief systems.
Spread throughout much of Europe.
Caused the fall of the Roman Empire.
Controlled the major powers of Europe.

is your social studies teacher

Dane Sabelhaus

Do you go to connxuse

i need help with the test to

yeah i do and i have to do the test today so we are in the same grade

im in 6th


i could webmail you if you are ok with sharing your name if not thats ok

my dad did not sign up for the you got discord or somthing


if you tell me your name i can webmail you in connexus

Juelz smith

did it work

i cant see you so you must not be in my region

what state u live in


live in in Indiana

oh then idk why i cant find you in the School directory

Because my dad did not except that feature


could you webmail me?

yeah haha

nope but is your social teacher

Dane Sabelhaus


you got a phone


if you got a phone u should download discord go to google hangout on your computer.

yo u still here ?

then what after im at google hangout







type it and search it

yoyo j dm me on connexus i have a e first name and h last name! (Im in ur grade)


Juelz is sus


Guys, i am in the same grade hers my discord

No one#6448