Imagine the following scenario:

A reporter writes a story that reveals Senator Carly Capitol has been engaging in illegal activity.

The reporter supports the story with quotes from anonymous sources.

The editor of the newspaper demands the reporter name his sources.

A government official reviews the story and refuses to let the newspaper publish it.
Use the scenario to answer the question.
In which parts of the scenario is the reporter’s right to free press being restricted?
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4

1. D. 3 and 4***

2. The national government makes all laws***
3. The government faces legal consequences for violating***
4. A majority is a position held by more than half of a group, A pluraty is held by less then half of the group, but is the more popular option***
5. To prevent any branch from dominating the government***
6. limited, because citizens have a say***
7. For military protection, to ensure that products are made safely***
8. Natural rights exist independently***
9. To communicate the shared concerns***
10. The culture of settlers led to a respect for self reliance***
12. Promote the general welfare, Provide for common defense***
13. The law is the ultimate authority, the supreme court can strike down laws if felt like they violate***
14. After hearing both sides***
15. A boundary with a nearby state is disputed***
16. Execuative, enforce laws, president
legislative, make laws, congress
judicial, decide, supreme court***
17. Determining party delegate votes***
18. 6, 14 (6 is for sure, 14 is very iffy)
19.All national governments are legally equal***
20. To establish rules that a government must follow***
21. Voting in an election***
22. To prevent states from continuing slavery***
24. To take over the governers duties if he is out of state***
25. Electing members of the house***
26. A small convention to determine which canadiate***
27. To pay attention to government affairs. ***
28. Territory, organized government. ***
29. Segegration is permitted as long as both have equal***

30. Due process, property***

31. Obeying property laws, serving on juries***

32.Federal district court***

I'll give you the answers to 30, 31, and 32 in a sec

My answers r 100% right guys!

D. 3 and 4

Those r my answers btw!

OH AND ON #7 "maintain safe highways" IS ALSO CORRECT!!!!

the @anonymous dude wrong it is 6 and 14 bro ruined my perfect score💀💀💀

also, some of my answers look like their not from ur test but they are. just shortened it out a little bc it's too much work.

are you sure these are all correct

In the given scenario, the reporter's right to free press is being restricted in parts 3 and 4.

The reporter's right to free press is being restricted in parts 2 and 4 of the scenario. Here's an explanation of why:

In part 2, the editor of the newspaper demands the reporter to name his sources. This restriction interferes with the reporter's ability to protect the anonymity of their sources, which is a critical aspect of journalistic ethics and practice. Journalists often rely on anonymous sources to expose sensitive or potentially dangerous information, and forcing them to reveal their sources can have a chilling effect on investigative reporting.

In part 4, a government official reviews the story and refuses to let the newspaper publish it. This action directly suppresses the reporter's freedom of the press by preventing the story's dissemination and inhibiting public access to important information. Government censorship of the press is a violation of the principles of a free and independent press.

Therefore, based on the scenario presented, the correct answer is option B: 2 and 4.

ok... All of you morons are giving me different answers

TY ABlockofCheese

thank you a block of chees all of them were right

18. its 6 but not 14