I had to find the numbers of atoms in 2 Al (NOsubscript 3)subscript 3. I got 16, but the answer in my book is 26. Who is incorret? Thanks!!!





A pertinent questions is 2 Al(NO3)3 WHAT? moles? grams? liters? tons?

To determine the number of atoms in a compound, you need to consider the subscript of each element in the formula. Let's break down the given compound, Al(NO₃)₃.

In this compound, there are two aluminum atoms, which means you need to multiply the subscript of aluminum (Al) by 2: 2 x 1 = 2 aluminum atoms.

Next, we have nitrate ions (NO₃⁻). The subscript outside the parentheses applies to the entire nitrate ion, so we need to multiply the subscript outside the parentheses (3) with the subscript inside the parentheses (1 nitrogen atom + 3 oxygen atoms): 3 x (1 + 3) = 12 atoms of nitrogen and oxygen.

Combining these counts, we have 2 aluminum atoms + 12 nitrogen and oxygen atoms = 14 atoms in total.

Therefore, your initial answer of 16 was incorrect, and the correct answer is 14. It seems like the answer in your book may be incorrect as well, as you mentioned it being 26. I suggest seeking further clarification or referring to additional resources for confirmation.