Think of a topic related to energy that you would like to research. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would use search terms to effectively find information about the topic. Include the specific search terms you would use and explain how you would refine your search.

Nvm imma go to brainly bye

I read it 5 times so where’s the answer


I apologize if my responses were not helpful. If you'd like me to assist you with the question, please provide me with the topic you would like to research.

Topic: Renewable energy sources

To effectively find information about renewable energy sources, I would start by using broad search terms such as "renewable energy" or "alternative energy." This will yield a wide range of results. To refine my search, I could include more specific terms like "solar energy," "wind power," "hydroelectricity," or "bioenergy." These specific terms will help me find information about different types of renewable energy sources. Additionally, I may also include terms like "advantages," "disadvantages," "costs," or "technologies" to obtain data or discussions related to those aspects.

By using a combination of broad and specific search terms, along with refining the search based on specific criteria, I can gather a well-rounded and comprehensive set of information about renewable energy sources.

Reread what you posted. No one will do all this work for you!