Which of the following describes advertising?(1 point)

an underlying point of view

a true story using facts that can be verified

an exchange of information, news, or ideas

a promotion that is paid for by a company

All the answers combined.

1. A promotion that is paid for by a company

2. To understand which ads accurately represent reality

3. A film that tells a true story using facts that can be verified

4. To give information about current events

5. A web page that shares personal thoughts and observations

Credits to, Jane for their answers.

#3 a film thst tells a true story using facts that can be verified

# 4. To give information about current events

#5. A web page that shares personal thoughts and observations

These are the answers do they check out??? Thanks!!

#2 is to understand which ads accurately represent reality

Kat, I chose a promotion that is paid for by a company that’s it

Thanks so much guys I'm not exactly the best at language arts so I really appreciate it :]

What’s number one tho💀

I am on it right now

Thanks Jane

5/5 100% yeet yes correct

Jane is 5/5 correct thanks Jane