Which word has a stronger connotation than the word mad?(1 point)





What do authors use to keep readers engaged and convey tone?(1 point)

word choice
word choice


point of view
point of view

sentence structure

Luke is doing a research project on a dinosaur fossil dig. Which pieces of information would be most helpful for his presentation? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

an article about the discovery of the first fossil
an article about the discovery of the first fossil

a video clip from a fictional movie about dinosaurs
a video clip from a fictional movie about dinosaurs

a book on carnivorous dinosaurs
a book on carnivorous dinosaurs

a map of the dig site
a map of the dig site

a timeline of the dig's progress
a timeline of the dig's progress

Jonah has an idea for a story that presents a detailed backstory about the main character. How should he present his work?(1 point)

a video of someone reading it
a video of someone reading it

an audio recording of someone reading it
an audio recording of someone reading it

a written version
a written version

a live performance

Cassandra has been asked to present a story that has a lot of dialogue and highlights the voices and costumes of characters.

Which presentation style should she use for her story?

(1 point)

audio recording
audio recording


dramatic play
dramatic play


help meeeeee pls

1. Furious

2. word-choice
3. the prejudice or opinion that authors may put into their writing
4. by presenting facts and data without including an opinion
5. pronouns
6. ours
7. the perspective a story is told from
8. a timeline of the dig's progress - a map of the dig site
9. a written version
10. dramatic play
11. sad

12. the second passage would be the best for the student to use. one reason is that the second paragraph uses facts, while the first has opinions witch shouldn't be used in informative writing. opinions can make informative writings bias meaning the facts can be in the favor of the writers opinion. informative writing should have facts to make the writing more informative and true.

13. no answer, based on personnel experience

14. Benjamin should rethink his sources because these sources can be changed a lot. Movies usually change the story to make them more entertaining to the people watching. his neighbor wouldn't be a great source either because if WWI was in 1914 and its 2022 now, the story would 108 years old and if its that old, at least on thing would have been forgotten or changed in those years.

these are 100% but for the last ones please try to change things up a bit, Im pretty shure none of us want to get caught cheating.

1. Which word has a stronger connotation than the word mad?

The answer is Furious because connotation is basically a synonym but a more exaggerated meaning.
2. What do authors use to keep readers engaged and convey tone?
word choice------
point of view
sentence structure
The answer is word choice because your choice of wording can affect the way the message gets through, like the 1st question if I said, "She is mad about losing her bracelet" it would have a different tone then if I said "SHE IS FUMING BECAUSE SHE LOST HER FAVORITE BRACELET"
2. Luke is doing a research project on a dinosaur fossil dig. Which pieces of information would be most helpful for his presentation? Select the two correct answers.
a book on carnivorous dinosaurs
an article about the discovery of the first fossil
a map of the dig site-------
a timeline of the dig's process ------
This is because a says "carnivorous" and for be we don't need to know about the first fossil found and lastly this is a project, so we don't need a FICTIONAL video clip from E.
4.Jonah has an idea for a story that presents a detailed backstory about the main character. How should he present his work?
an audio recording of someone reading it
a video of someone reading it
a written version-----
a live performance
b/c it's a detailed background story its best to present it as a written version
Cassandra has been asked to present a story that has a lot of dialogue and highlights the voices and costumes of characters.

5. Which presentation style should she use for her story?
dramatic play-----
audio recording
if it has a lot of dialogue, it would be best to have it out loud.
6. Think of a time where you read a poem, play, or story, and then watched the film version of it. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph about the main similarities and differences you noticed between the versions of the story
*Mine still needs to be graded so I don't want to give false info!!*
But here is a basis:
Does the Pov (point of view) change throughout these 4?
If so, how does it change?
What kind of language do they use? (Figurative? literal? etc.)
And please do not use this just to cheat its only to help those needing extra help, remember we might not like doing school, but it is such a privilege to have education! Plus, you can do this! You are not in this alone so don't give up its almost summer!!! Have a great rest of your night/day!
- <3

omg you ppl are behind too? lol i thought i was the only one.

please organize it better @<3 i have a monkey brain and cant comprehend it

i have 14

ah, @<3 , many thanks. i wasn't quite sure about my answers, so it is good that i was able to check them. again, thank you :)



2.word choice
3. a map of the dig-site and a timeline of the digs process
4. a written version
5. dramatic play
6. This is an essay but look at my first answer for help! :)
And for those of you who have 14 questions i do not have that test but i would be happy to help you!! I hope this is better @bozo factory model no.324,684,905!

You're welcome!! Happy I could help! :)

Both the text and film versions of a book, story, play or poem follow the same story, but with some differences. The text version may describe the setting, characters, and plot in more detail, while the film version may rely more on visual storytelling and less on descriptive language. The film version may also take artistic liberties, such as changing the order of events or adding scenes that were not in the original story. Despite these differences, both versions can be enjoyable and provide their own unique interpretations of the story.

@yumi Those answers where right if you are at the Ela Comparisons Unit Test U9 L10

So ty ty ty ty