In a class of 31 students, 16 play football ,12 play table tennis and 5 play both games. Find the number of students who play none of the games

No response, pls need help

I don't know how this works, I've tried subtracting it and everything. I'll figure it out and respond later.

number (football OR tennis)

= number (football) + number (tennis) - number (football AND tennis)
= 16 + 12 - 5
= 23
so 23 play either football or tennis, but there were 31 students.
Then 8 students played neither of the sports.

You can also do this very easily using Venn diagrams.

To find the number of students who play none of the games, we need to subtract the number of students who play at least one game from the total number of students in the class.

Step 1: Find the number of students who play at least one game.
To do this, we can add the number of students who play football and the number of students who play table tennis, and then subtract the number of students who play both games (since we have counted them twice).

Number of students who play at least one game = (Number of students who play football) + (Number of students who play table tennis) - (Number of students who play both games)
Number of students who play at least one game = 16 + 12 - 5
Number of students who play at least one game = 28

Step 2: Find the number of students who play none of the games.
To do this, we subtract the number of students who play at least one game from the total number of students in the class.

Number of students who play none of the games = Total number of students - Number of students who play at least one game
Number of students who play none of the games = 31 - 28
Number of students who play none of the games = 3

Therefore, there are 3 students who play none of the games.