Which discovery came about as a result of the Human Genome Project?

A) A chemical reaction can determine the sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

B) Four different nucleotides (A, C, G, and T) make up all DNA molecules.

C) Mendel's law of independent assortment does not occur.

D) A large amount of DNA in our chromosomes does not code for any

I know it's not B sooo....Help me out Fam

Of the given options, the correct answer is D) A large amount of DNA in our chromosomes does not code for any genes. This discovery was made as a result of the Human Genome Project.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the process of elimination:

Option A) A chemical reaction can determine the sequence of nucleotides in DNA - This statement is true and was known before the Human Genome Project. Therefore, it is not the discovery that specifically came about as a result of the project.

Option C) Mendel's law of independent assortment does not occur - This statement is unrelated to the Human Genome Project and does not reflect one of its outcomes.

Option B) Four different nucleotides (A, C, G, and T) make up all DNA molecules - This statement is a fundamental fact about DNA and was known before the Human Genome Project.

This leaves us with Option D, which states that a large portion of DNA in our chromosomes does not code for any genes. This discovery was indeed a result of the Human Genome Project. The project aimed to sequence the entire human genome, and scientists found that a significant portion of our genome consists of non-coding DNA, also known as "junk DNA."

In conclusion, the correct answer is D) A large amount of DNA in our chromosomes does not code for any genes, and you eliminated option B correctly.