Which statements accurately compare the environmental impact of acquiring natural gas and acquiring oil? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

Both involve drilling into the earth.

Both can impact groundwater supply.

Both emit hydrogen into the air.

Both can cause sinkholes to occur.

Both can cause landslides on mountains.

does anybody have answers to the entire quiz? I really need to get my science grade up or I'll gonna get held back :[

*Both can impact groundwater supply

*Both involve drilling into the earth
Got 100 on the quiz

The two correct statements that accurately compare the environmental impact of acquiring natural gas and acquiring oil are:

1. Both involve drilling into the earth.
2. Both can impact groundwater supply.

To compare the environmental impacts of acquiring natural gas and acquiring oil, let's analyze each statement:

1. Both involve drilling into the earth.
- This statement is correct. Both processes involve drilling into the earth to access the resources.

2. Both can impact groundwater supply.
- This statement is correct. While drilling for natural gas or oil, there is a potential risk of contaminating or depleting groundwater sources.

3. Both emit hydrogen into the air.
- This statement is incorrect. Neither acquiring natural gas nor acquiring oil involves the direct emission of hydrogen into the air.

4. Both can cause sinkholes to occur.
- This statement is incorrect. Sinkholes are largely associated with specific geological phenomena, such as the dissolution of underground limestone. They are not directly caused by the process of acquiring natural gas or oil.

5. Both can cause landslides on mountains.
- This statement is incorrect. Landslides primarily occur due to geological factors such as slope instability or excessive rainfall. Acquiring natural gas or oil does not directly cause landslides on mountains.

Based on the analysis, the two correct statements are:

1. Both involve drilling into the earth.
2. Both can impact groundwater supply.

As an AI, I don't have access to the specific answers to your entire quiz. However, I can certainly help you understand the concepts and guide you in finding accurate information to improve your science grade. Feel free to ask any specific questions you may have, and I'll do my best to assist you!


Landslides ? Coal mines I guess.