Tyger spends 25 minutes studying mathematics, 35 minutes studying science and 40 minutes studying history. What percentage of his time is spend studying science?

25 min + 35 min + 40 min = 100 min

He 35 minutes studying science so:

35 / 100 = 35%

ur dumb


To find the percentage of time Tyger spends studying science, we need to determine the total amount of time Tyger spends studying and then calculate the percentage of that total time that is dedicated to science.

The total time Tyger spends studying is the sum of the times he spends studying mathematics, science, and history:
Total time = Time studying mathematics + Time studying science + Time studying history
Total time = 25 minutes + 35 minutes + 40 minutes

Now, let's calculate the percentage of time spent studying science. To do this, we divide the time spent studying science by the total time, and then multiply by 100:
Percentage of time spent studying science = (Time studying science / Total time) * 100
Percentage of time spent studying science = (35 minutes / (25 minutes + 35 minutes + 40 minutes)) * 100

Now, let's calculate this:

Total time = 25 + 35 + 40 = 100 minutes

Percentage of time spent studying science = (35 / 100) * 100 = 35%

Therefore, Tyger spends 35% of his time studying science.