1. In the 1920s, there was a social revolution toward what kind of values?


2. What is a synonym for desolate?

3. In "The Great Gatsby," why did Daisy and Tom spend a year in France?
They wanted their little girl to learn French.
There was no reason.***
Toms family bought a house in paris.

4. The T in the STEAL acronym for indirect characterization stands for

*** = correct answer

To find the answer to these questions, you can use various methods such as research or contextual understanding. Here's how you can approach each question:

1. To determine the values toward which there was a social revolution in the 1920s, you can research the historical and cultural context of that time period. One prominent social revolution in the 1920s was the "Roaring Twenties" or the Jazz Age, characterized by a shift towards more youthful and liberal values. These values included embracing new fashions, music, and cultural expressions, as well as a break from traditional social norms.

2. To find a synonym for desolate, you can consult a thesaurus or use an online synonym finder. By doing so, you'll discover that "barren" is a synonym for desolate, meaning empty, uninhabited, or lifeless.

3. To understand why Daisy and Tom spent a year in France in "The Great Gatsby," you can refer to the context of the novel. While it is true that Daisy and Tom had a daughter and may have wanted her to learn French, the actual reason mentioned in the novel was that there was no reason for them to stay in America. They had the means and freedom to live abroad, so they chose to spend a year in France.

4. To identify the "T" in the STEAL acronym for indirect characterization, you need to familiarize yourself with the acronym itself. STEAL stands for Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, and Looks. In this case, the "T" stands for Thoughts. This means that when analyzing a character for indirect characterization, you consider the character's thoughts and inner dialogues as a way to understand their personality and motives.