In three to five sentences, explain how the fossil record provides evidence for the idea of natural selection.

The fossil record provides evidence for the idea of natural selection by showing the existence of transitional fossils, which exhibit characteristics of both ancestral and descendant species. These transitional fossils suggest that species have changed over time, supporting the concept of evolution through gradual modifications. Additionally, the fossil record shows a pattern of species appearing, thriving, and eventually becoming extinct, indicating that new species have evolved to fill ecological niches left by previous species. This suggests that the survival and adaptation of species is influenced by natural selection.

The fossil record provides evidence for the idea of natural selection by showing changes in species over time. Fossils document the existence of different organisms that lived millions of years ago, revealing the evolution and diversification of life forms. Transitional fossils, like the famous Archaeopteryx, provide a clear link between different groups of organisms, showing gradual changes and adaptations. By examining fossils, scientists can observe patterns of extinction, the emergence of new species, and the development of complex structures, all supporting the concept of natural selection driving the adaptive changes seen in the fossil record.


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