i can't really see the pages of what i am reading and my eye sight keeps going in and out i can't see the book of what i am reading please HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

are you nearsighted or farsighted? cuz i need glasses to see far away

also hi

my eyesight is going blur like the words are big globs of letter's

sorry about last time, i was trying to answer your question about the hiccups but i couldn't cuz i got banned. :(

i need glasses to see far and near but my family is tight on money so i have no clue what to do.

:( bummmer

please help me

you there?

yup hold on


You need some glasses

Btw jiskha stop banning me I wanna help but I can’t because you keep banning me!


wait, you HAVE glasses or you NEED glasses?

i also have the hiccup's right now too

i don't have glasses

and i need them.


do you have a solution for my eye's?

you ok???? you is not responding to my comments.

do you have any of these symptoms?

Loss of part or all of your vision for a little while (usually 30 minutes or less)
Seeing flashes of light
Seeing flashes of light
Seeing wavy lines or spots

yes the loss one and seeing wavy lines or spots

is that Bad Heyo>?

no, im good

oh ok thanks

ok i need help again heyo my eyes are going in and out i can't see anything

uh oh...you should probably see a doctor

i don't got the money to go to the doctor i mean my family don't have the money.

we are tight on money...

those are symptoms of migraines so here some stuff on migraines

-At the first sign of a migraine, take a break and step away from whatever you're doing if possible.

-Turn off the lights. Migraines often increase sensitivity to light and sound.
-Relax in a dark, quiet room. Sleep if you can.
-Try temperature therapy. Apply hot or cold compresses to your head or neck. Ice packs have a numbing effect, which may dull the sensation of pain. Hot packs and heating pads can relax tense muscles. Warm showers or baths may have a similar effect.
-Drink a caffeinated beverage. In small amounts, caffeine alone can relieve migraine pain in the early stages or enhance the pain-reducing effects of acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) and aspirin.

~Be careful, however. Drinking too much caffeine too often can lead to withdrawal headaches later on. And having caffeine too late in the day may interfere with your sleep, which can also affect migraines.~

oh ok thanks heyo your big help to me!!!!

is there anything i can help you with????

i am not banning anyone