Are the narrator’s conclusions reliable? What in the extract above substantiates your


To determine whether the narrator's conclusions are reliable, we need to examine the evidence provided in the extract above. Here's how we can do that:

1. Read the extract carefully: Start by reading the extract provided and identifying the narrator's conclusions. Make sure you understand the context and the main points.

2. Identify supporting evidence: Look for specific statements, examples, or explanations within the extract that support the narrator's conclusions. Pay attention to any logical reasoning or factual evidence provided.

3. Assess the credibility of the evidence: Evaluate the reliability and relevance of the evidence presented. Consider the source and context of the information. Is it based on personal observation, expert opinion, or reliable data? Is there any bias or subjective interpretation involved?

4. Analyze potential counterarguments: Consider any alternative explanations or opposing viewpoints that might challenge the narrator's conclusions. Look for gaps in their reasoning or evidence. Is there anything in the extract that contradicts or weakens their assertions?

5. Form your evaluation: Based on your analysis of the evidence, form an evaluation of the narrator's conclusions. Determine whether they are well-founded, supported by strong evidence, and logical in their reasoning. Consider the overall credibility and trustworthiness of the narrator.

Remember, this process requires careful reading, critical thinking, and evaluating the evidence logically. In the absence of a specific extract provided, it is not possible to ascertain the specific substantiating factors for the answer.