Pls, Help!

In 200-250 words, describe the picture
as an outside observer, or
as someone (seen or unseen) in the photo

Must Include:
at least one detail for each of the 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch)
one simile (compares two unlike things using like or as.)
one metaphor (compares two unlike things without using those 2 words)

I hope you’ve written this by now.

If you want a tutor here to critique it for you, be sure to post it.

To effectively describe a picture as an outside observer or as someone (seen or unseen) in the photo, you'll need to carefully analyze and utilize your imagination. Start by examining the picture and noting down specific details that encompass the five senses. This will enable you to provide a comprehensive description that engages the reader's imagination. Additionally, incorporating a simile and metaphor will add figurative language to your description, enhancing its vividness and impact.

If you don't have a specific picture in mind, take a moment to choose an image or provide a brief description of the picture you'd like me to describe.

Once you provide the picture or details, I will proceed to craft a description that adheres to the given guidelines.

the image is uploaded here:

htt ps://ibb .co/ RzGjsgs