Just did this quick check, here are the answers.

Sea Otter Fur Trade ( 4 questions )
1. What tends to happen to the price of a product when it is scarce and in high demand? B : Increases

2. What resulted from the British discovery of the high value of sea otter pelts in China? A : A fur trade began between the British and Chinese

3. Why was China involved in the maritime fur trade? C : Wealthy Chinese wanted to help native American traders.

4. Which groups benefited from the increased competition over otter fur pelts?
C & D : Native American trappers & British merchants.
These are 100% correct have a good day :D

A. Increases

A. A fur trade began between the British and the Chinese.
C. Wealthy Chinese wanted to purchase the fur.
C&D. Native American Trappers. British Merchants

i checked coffee pots answers and their correct 100% thanks coffee pot!


That's great to hear that you successfully answered the questions! It seems like you have a good understanding of the Sea Otter Fur Trade topic. However, since you mentioned that you did a quick check, it would be helpful to explain how you arrived at each answer for future reference. This way, you can ensure your answers are accurate and also help others who may have the same questions. Here's an explanation for each question:

1. What tends to happen to the price of a product when it is scarce and in high demand?
Answer: Increases
Explanation: When a product is scarce and in high demand, its price usually increases. This is because the limited supply cannot meet the high demand, leading to increased competition among buyers, which drives the price up.

2. What resulted from the British discovery of the high value of sea otter pelts in China?
Answer: A fur trade began between the British and Chinese
Explanation: The British discovered that sea otter pelts had a high value in China. As a result, a fur trade started between the British and the Chinese, where the British would trade sea otter pelts for various goods and commodities from China.

3. Why was China involved in the maritime fur trade?
Answer: Wealthy Chinese wanted to help native American traders.
Explanation: China became involved in the maritime fur trade because wealthy Chinese individuals were interested in helping native American traders. They saw the opportunity to engage with the trade and benefitted financially from it. Additionally, the Chinese appreciated the quality of sea otter fur and its useful properties.

4. Which groups benefited from the increased competition over otter fur pelts?
Answer: Native American trappers and British merchants
Explanation: The increased competition over otter fur pelts benefited two main groups: Native American trappers and British merchants. Native American trappers were able to supply the otter pelts, and the demand for them allowed them to earn income and trade for other goods. British merchants benefited as they were involved in the trade networks and acted as intermediaries between the Native American trappers and the broader market, profiting from the transactions.

Great job on your answers, and have a fantastic day!

Connexus hampter is 2/4 correct.

2 and 4 is wrong