This is not school related, but it is Jiskha related. If you get banned for Jiskha, is there any way to get in-banned. I have been banned for a month and something weeks and I am ready to stop posting bad things, so Jiskha tutors, PLEASE READ THIS AN UNBAN ME!! I really do wanna help kids. I’m sorry.

Un-banned sorry

Please report this so the tutors can see

Have any of you guys been banned and then got un-banned. How did you get un banned

scroll to the bottom, and there is a Contact link you can use to chat with the site admin.

However, note that we are reading all of your posts so you are unbanned. Your posts are being read.

Is this true? Are you a teacher?

If it is, thank you for the second chance.

Yes, I'm a teacher/tutor here. So is ooleck. So is anonymous.

Hello! I actually was banned three days ago, but I contacted both email address's and got no responses. But I waited patiently and each day i came on here and tried to post a question or answer a question to see if i was un-banned and if i wasn't, i waited some more, and today i got unbanned... so i guess you have to be patient..

idk why you keep getting banned but how are you on Jiskha if your banned that's my question??

but you should contact one of the tutors and see what they can do....

Patients always comes in handy though. 😉🙂