A scientist studies the bond energies of different compounds containing nitrogen (N). The scientist observes that the N-N bonds in one group of compounds have a bond energy of 209 kJ/mol, while the N-N bonds in another group of compounds have a bond energy of 418 kJ/mol. In one or two sentences,postulate a reason for this difference.

1-736 kJ

2-The reaction is exothermic because the total bond energy of the reactants is less than the total bond energy of the products.
3-liquid contents of the glass containers
4-It is endothermic because heat needs to be absorbed by the reactants to form the products.
5-the amount of released or absorbed energy
6-The reactants would appear at a lower energy state than the products.
7-provides the activation energy for the reaction.
8-The formation of the products releases bond energy, and this energy is less than the energy that is absorbed by the reactants.
9-Four C–H, one C=C, and three O=O bonds need to break up. Four C=O and four O–H bonds need to form.
10-energy required to break a chemical bond
11-decreasing activation energy
12-It is endothermic because heat from the surroundings has to be absorbed by the water in order to change states.
13-The flame from the burner provides the energy to perform the reaction. The reaction is exothermic.
14-more collisions between molecules
15-Faster molecules have more energy than slower molecules.
16-The total chemical potential energy of the reactants is greater than the total chemical potential energy of the products.

chem test

The difference in N-N bond energies between the two groups of compounds could be due to variations in the level of bonding or the presence of different functional groups attached to the nitrogen atoms. To confirm this, further investigation is required, such as analyzing the chemical structure and electronic properties of the compounds in each group.

If you have the other 2 questions, can you put them here?

Help please I did the rest of the written questions... I just can't get this one