How did growing secularism influence European writers during the Renaissance?

They based their scientific ideas on the teachings of the Church.

They began to translate the Bible into the vernacular.

They wrote more books about non-religious subjects.

They translated Greek and Arabic writings into Latin.

Here are the answers to the pretest.

Martin Luther
John Calvin

2. They wrote more books about non-religious subjects.

3. B and C

4. Self-government

5.Major trade routes went through Italy.

6. C and B

7. Nicolaus Copernicus

Dante Alighieri
The divine Comedy

9. The growth of trade and commerce

I took the pretest so I promise that these are the real answers. Have a good day everyone.🌼

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C. They wrote more books about non-religious subjects.

Growing secularism during the Renaissance had a significant influence on European writers. As the influence of the Church began to wane, writers shifted their focus to non-religious subjects. This led to an increase in the production and popularity of literature that explored topics such as humanism, the arts, philosophy, and historical and social commentary. These writers were more interested in the exploration and celebration of human achievement and knowledge, free from the constraints of religious dogma.

The correct answer is C. They wrote more books about non-religious subjects.

During the Renaissance, there was a significant shift towards secularism in Europe. The influence of humanism and the revival of Greek and Roman culture led many writers and intellectuals to shift their focus away from purely religious subjects. As a result, European writers began to write more books and works on non-religious subjects, exploring topics such as human nature, philosophy, politics, science, and literature.

To arrive at this answer, you could eliminate the other options through a process of elimination:

A. They based their scientific ideas on the teachings of the Church: While the influence of the Church was significant during the Renaissance, the growing secularism challenged the authority of the Church and its teachings. Therefore, it is unlikely that writers based their scientific ideas solely on the teachings of the Church.

B. They began to translate the Bible into the vernacular: Although the translation of the Bible into the vernacular was an important development during the Renaissance, it doesn't directly relate to how growing secularism influenced European writers. The translation of the Bible into the vernacular actually aimed to make religious texts more accessible to the general public.

D. They translated Greek and Arabic writings into Latin: The translation of Greek and Arabic writings into Latin was indeed a significant intellectual endeavor during the Renaissance and brought many new ideas to Europe. However, this answer choice does not directly address the influence of growing secularism on European writers.

Therefore, the most suitable answer is C. They wrote more books about non-religious subjects, as it directly reflects the impact of growing secularism on European writers during the Renaissance.