Create an image symbolizing the German part of Charlemagne's kingdom depicted as a landscape of medieval Europe. Include diverse elements such as castles, forests, and rivers. Additionally, illustrate four different hypothetical scenarios of change; the division of land among different rulers depicted by boundaries, the influence of Byzantine culture represented by Byzantine architecture, intrusion by Anglo-Saxons represented by ship laden warriors approaching the shores, and unity as one empire shown by an emblem of a single crown. Make sure the image doesn't contain any text.

How did the German part of Charlemagne's kingdom change under the rule of Otto the Great?

It was divided by several German dukes.

It fell under the rule of the Byzantine empire.

It was invaded by Anglo-Saxons.

It was united as one empire.

for connexus the answers are

2.D and C

They are correct!

I will put it in word *ribbit*

1. It was united as one empire.

2. Taxes on trade made French kings wealthy, The king acquired large landholdings

3. The pope claimed the authority to remove the emperor from the throne

Have a nice day! *Ribbit* ^-^

I will check them for you! *ribbit* ^-^

Is this correct I came here to check my answers because I'

m not sure if they're right are these right?

Thanks ribbit!

Thanks ribbit I got a a+

Nevermind these are all correct I got 100% on my test thank you!


Danke schön
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And that is all I know.

1. It was united as one empire.

Taxes on trade made French kings wealthy.
The king acquired large landholdings.
3. The pope claimed the authority to remove the emperor from the throne.
Have an amazing day!

thanks tsu

thx my peeps

that is thanks in various languages

TY TSUYU!! <33

Ty Tsu <3 i got a 100%

Ribbit seems nice :)


close youre eyes, get coforatable, and breath in, and out. relax and scan youre body for tention, clear youre mind. now open youre eyes and put in the link in wich is not a rick roll troll.

thanks Tsuyu *beep*

Thank you, Tsu.

@adam+me! is correct! Thanks!

do it, i promise its not a rick roll plzz it not trooolllll, not meme plzzz, i give u reward! plzzz not troll PLEASE! (dellete the seven - for the link). htt_ps://i.pi_nimg._com/origina_ls/ee/b6/8b_/eeb68bc1d8b05ac76_45bf6bc59e60ba3_.gif

dooo ittt!

trust him! its not troll (DOO IT!)

ITS ME TOGA <3 Tsuyu's answers are correct

what the hell comoooon, doo itttt, not the ecsact same person, your self-conscious, the real toney hawk, hitler, person, youre cat, metatation help 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸 is correct thank you

tsuyu is right


Thank you for your feedback! However, it is important to note that we do not recommend clicking on links provided by strangers or unknown sources as they could potentially harm your device or privacy. It is always best to be cautious while browsing online.

NOPE, not trool! not virus, not rick roll ], DOOO ITTT

doooo ittt! its fine, you trust youre self conscious? righhht! doo itttt

hey bros lol yolo pogers my dude, serch the link my budrs, ait gtg pogers!!! no cap!!!

dawgg is still right in 2023

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸 is 100% correct and also trust the link thing, I went to it and it was just Pinterest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

meow meow-meow meooooow meow (DO IT OR I WILL SCRACH YO EYES OUT)

What the heck this is a homework app

You guys are all wrong yall gave me a F