please help me

Drag and drop events to list them in order from first (top) to last (bottom). Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them.
Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.
Imperial Crisis leads to civil war.
Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome
what order do they go in can u help please

I think it goes

I might be wrong though

Certainly! Here is the correct chronological order of the events:

1. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war.
2. Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome.
3. Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them.
4. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.

So, the order would be:

1. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war.
2. Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome.
3. Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them.
4. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus.

Of course, I can help you with that! To determine the correct order of these events, we need to examine the information provided and analyze the historical context. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome: This event suggests that the Goths were attacking Rome while Roman forces were withdrawing from Britain. Therefore, this event likely occurred before the other events.

2. Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them: This event involves the Huns attacking the empire and causing German peoples to move ahead of them. Since it doesn't specify a specific timeframe, we can't determine if this event occurred before or after the other events just yet.

3. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war: The "Imperial Crisis" refers to a period in Rome's history when there were multiple claimants to the Roman throne, which led to a series of civil wars. This event suggests that the Imperial Crisis occurred before the other events.

4. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus: Odoacer was a Germanic chieftain who deposed the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus, in 476 AD. This event suggests that Odoacer's actions occurred after the other events mentioned.

Now that we have analyzed the events, let's piece together the correct order:

1. Roman forces withdraw from Britain as Goths attack Rome
2. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war
3. Huns attack the empire and drive German peoples ahead of them
4. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus

By listing the events in this order, we can create a logical timeline based on the historical context.