What are some common characteristics of science fiction stories?

Science fiction stories often share several common characteristics, including:

1. Setting: Science fiction stories are typically set in the future, alternate realities, or other worlds. These settings often include advanced technology and scientific innovations.

2. Speculative Science: Science fiction explores the impact of scientific advancements and often incorporates concepts such as time travel, interstellar travel, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and other futuristic technologies.

3. Imagined Future: Science fiction often presents a vision of the future, exploring how society, politics, and culture may evolve due to scientific progress.

4. Themes of Exploration: Science fiction frequently deals with the exploration of unknown frontiers, whether it's exploring outer space, delving into the depths of the ocean, or venturing into uncharted territories.

5. Social Commentary: Science fiction often reflects on contemporary social issues, questioning the ethical and moral implications of scientific advancements and offering commentary on topics like inequality, oppression, and the consequences of unchecked progress.

6. Plausible Yet Fantastic: Science fiction aims to be within the realm of scientific plausibility, even if it stretches the boundaries of what is currently known. While the stories may contain fantastical elements, they are often grounded in scientific principles.

To identify common characteristics of science fiction stories, you can analyze the themes, settings, and technologies presented in the narrative. Pay attention to how the story explores the impact of scientific advancements, the speculative visions of the future, and the social commentary within the narrative.