Find the Longitude of town Y whose time is 8:00am when the time of another town X (long 30 E) is 12:00pm the same day.

each hour covers 15 degrees

Y is 4 hours west of X, so that would make its longitude 30°W

24 hours is 360 degrees so 360/24 = 15 degrees / hour

it is noon, 12 pm, at 30 east
we are 4 hours earlier so 4*15 = 60 degrees west of X (the sun meanders from east to west)
that would put us 30 degrees West Longitude, swimming in the Atlantic.


To find the longitude of town Y, we need to determine the time difference between town Y and town X. Given that town X has a longitude of 30°E and its local time is 12:00pm, we can calculate the time difference using the concept of time zones.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, with each zone encompassing 15 degrees of longitude. As we move from east to west, each time zone is typically one hour ahead or behind the previous zone.

In this case, the time in town X is 12:00pm, which corresponds to 30 degrees east longitude. Town Y's time is 8:00am, but we are unsure of its longitude. Since town Y's time is earlier than town X's time, we can infer that town Y is located west of town X.

To calculate the longitude of town Y, we need to determine how many hours separate the two towns. Knowing that each time zone corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude, we can divide the time difference (4 hours) by the time zone offset (1 hour) to determine the number of time zones between the two towns.

4 hours / 1 hour = 4 time zones

Since each time zone corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude, we can multiply the number of time zones by 15 to find the longitude difference.

4 time zones * 15 degrees per time zone = 60 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of town Y is 60 degrees west of town X.