Quiz: Boston Tea Party

MS: American Hist: Forming a New Nation [M] (Sequential) (GP) / 2:From Protest to Rebellion

1. Why did colonists disguise themselves as Native Americans on the night of December 16, 1773?

a. to create a distraction for the protesters
b. to protest the Tea Act
c. to get revenge for Native American attacks
d. to steal tea from British ships

2. Who did the British government intend to help with the Tea Act of 1773?

a. colonial merchants
b. tea growers in Asia
c. East India Company
d. Sons of Liberty

3. The Tea Act actually _____ by allowing the East India Company to ship tea from India directly to the colonies.

1. increased the price of tea
2. lowered the tea tax
3. lowered the price of tea
4. increased the tea tax

4. Although most of the Townshend duties had been repealed by the early 1770s, the one on _____ remained.

a. Dutch tea
b. British tea
c. stamps
d. sugar

What is a monopoly?

a. allowing several companies to sell the same product
b. when the marketplace sets the price of a product
c. when the price of a product is lowered through competition
d. total control of a market for a certain product

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