Capitalized symbols indicate what type of allele when one allele can express dominance over another?

the allele from the mother

the dominant allele

the allele from the father

the recessive allele

1.C- the dominant allele

2.A- They are a graphic way to show all possible allele combinations
4.A-blue flowers
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Capitalized symbols typically indicate the dominant allele. When one allele can express dominance over another, the dominant allele is represented by a capitalized letter, whereas the recessive allele is represented by a lowercase letter. For example, if the dominant allele is represented by "A" and the recessive allele by "a," then an individual who inherits the dominant allele from either parent will display the dominant trait. In this case, "A" would be the capitalized symbol indicating the dominant allele. The allele from the mother or the father can be either dominant or recessive, depending on the specific genetic makeup of each parent.