English 10 A Unit 6 Lesson 13 (Answers)

1. Which phrase, in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," BEST describes Brille?
Answer - intuitive and calculating in his appraisal of others

2. The author of "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" MOST LIKELY includes the story about Brille's home life to show
Answer - his yearning for peace at home and in society.

3. In "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," Warder Hannetjie realizes that his relationship with Brille and the men of Span One can be mutually beneficial after Brille
Answer - falsely accuses Hannetjie of supplying him with tobacco.

4. In "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," which word pair would the men of Span One MOST LIKELY use to describe the change in Hannetjie?
Answer - from inhuman to respectable

5. Hannetjie is best described as a(n) ______ in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses."
Answer - antagonist

100% Hope this helps!

This is good all of it is the truth


To find the answers to the questions about "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," you would need to read the story and analyze the details. Here's a breakdown of how you could approach each question:

1. Which phrase, in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," BEST describes Brille?
To answer this question, you would need to carefully read the story and look for descriptions or actions related to Brille. Pay attention to how he interacts with others and what his personality traits are. Compare the given answer options and choose the one that aligns the most with the information in the story.

2. The author of "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" MOST LIKELY includes the story about Brille's home life to show:
In order to answer this question, you would need to think analytically and consider the purpose of the story. Look for clues in the text that provide insights into Brille's home life and how it relates to his actions or attitudes. Think about the themes and messages conveyed in the story and choose the answer option that best represents the author's probable intention.

3. In "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," Warder Hannetjie realizes that his relationship with Brille and the men of Span One can be mutually beneficial after Brille:
Read the relevant part of the story where Warder Hannetjie's relationship with Brille evolves. Pay attention to the key events or interactions that lead Hannetjie to come to this realization. Consider the context and motivations of both characters, and choose the answer option that reflects the specific event mentioned in the story.

4. In "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," which word pair would the men of Span One MOST LIKELY use to describe the change in Hannetjie?
To answer this question, you would again need to carefully consider the events in the story that illustrate the change in Hannetjie's behavior or reputation. Look for descriptions or reactions of the other characters, especially the men of Span One. Analyze the given answer options and choose the one that best reflects how the men of Span One would likely perceive the change in Hannetjie.

5. Hannetjie is best described as a(n) ______ in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses."
To answer this question, think about Hannetjie's role and behavior throughout the story. Consider his interactions with other characters and how he contributes to the conflicts or themes of the story. Look for evidence that supports a specific characterization and choose the answer option that aligns most closely with Hannetjie's role in the narrative.

Remember, when answering questions about a story or text, always refer back to the specific details and evidence provided in the text to support your answers.

Potential users of these answers need to hope that the same questions are always used -- and in the same order. In these days of online testing, questions and answer choices can easily be changed from test to test -- and often are to thwart cheaters!