Robin currently has 50 subscribers on her YouTube channel, and Dimitri currently has 17 subscribers. Robin gains 4 subscribers every week, while Dimitri gains 7 subscribers each week.

Part A: Set up a system of equations to shows each person's subscribers.
Part B: After how many weeks will Robin and Dimitri have the same number of subscribers?
Part C: How many subscribers will Robin and Dimitri have when their subscriber count is equal?

robin = 50 + 4n, where n is the number of weeks

Dim = 17 + 7n

b) let 17 + 7n = 50 + 4n
and solve for n

c) sub your value of n from b) into either of the starting equations, of
course the result should be the same, or your value of n is not correct

Plssssss help im running out of time

Robin currently has 50 subscribers on her YouTube channel, and Dimitri currently has 17 subscribers. Robin gains 4 subscribers every week, while Dimitri gains 7 subscribers each week.
Part A: Set up a system of equations to shows each person's subscribers.
Part B: After how many weeks will Robin and Dimitri have the same number of subscribers?
Part C: How many subscribers will Robin and Dimitri have when their subscriber count is equal?

Part A: Let's set up two equations to represent the number of subscribers for Robin (R) and Dimitri (D).

For Robin:
R = 50 + 4w
(Robin's initial subscribers + 4 subscribers gained each week)

For Dimitri:
D = 17 + 7w
(Dimitri's initial subscribers + 7 subscribers gained each week)

Part B: To find the number of weeks it takes for Robin and Dimitri to have the same number of subscribers, we need to set their equations equal to each other and solve for w (the number of weeks).

50 + 4w = 17 + 7w
Subtract 4w from both sides:
50 = 17 + 3w
Subtract 17 from both sides:
33 = 3w
Divide both sides by 3:
w = 11

After 11 weeks, Robin and Dimitri will have the same number of subscribers.

Part C: To find the number of subscribers Robin and Dimitri will have when their counts are equal, we can substitute the value of w (11) into either Robin's or Dimitri's equation.

Using Robin's equation:
R = 50 + 4w
R = 50 + 4(11)
R = 50 + 44
R = 94

Therefore, when their subscriber counts are equal, Robin and Dimitri will both have 94 subscribers.