1. A statement that can be expressed in S then form is a A. Converse B. Conditional C. Biconditional D.Counter example

2. Which choice shows a true conditional with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion A. If next month is January and this month is the last year hypothesis this months is the last year of the year conclusion next month is January B. Next month is February so this month is the last month of the year hypothesis next month is February conclusion this month is the last of the year C. Next month is February so this month is the last month of the year hypothesis this month is the last of the year conclusion next month is February D. If next month is January then this month is the last of the year hypothesis next month is January conclusion this month is the last of the year
3. Which bio conditional is not a good definition A two angles are supplementary S and only if the sum of the angles measures 180 B Two angles are vertical angles only if they are not adjacent to each other and are formed by two intersecting lines C two angles form a linear pair if and only if the angles are adjacent D The sum of two angles is 90 if and only if those two angles are complementary
4. Name the property of equality that justifies statement if m<A+ m<B=m<C then m<A=m<C-m<B A transitive property B symmetric property C reflexive property D subtraction property
5. Write the converse of the following two conditional statement is the converse is false write a counter example if a<10 then a<15 A if a>10 then a>15 false counter example a=12 and a<15 B if a<15 then a<10 false counter example a=12 and a>10 C if a<15 then a<10 true D if a>15 then a>10 true
6. Use the given property to complete the statement multiplication property of equality if 6X ÷ 8=40 then blank A 6x ÷8=320 B 40=6x•8 C 6x=320 D 40=6x ÷ 8
7. Which statement is an example of the addition property of equality A if P=Q then P • S=Q • S B if P=Q then p+s=Q+s C if p=q then p-s=q-s D p=q
8. The measure of two vertical angles are 6x-22 and 4x+2 find x A 50 B12 C10 D130
9. Name the property of equality that justifies the statement RS=+~RS A reflexive property B symmetric property C transitive property D substitution property

1. The correct answer is B. Conditional.

To identify a statement that can be expressed in "if-then" form, we look for a statement that consists of two parts: the hypothesis (the "if" part) and the conclusion (the "then" part). In a conditional statement, the hypothesis is the condition being assumed or given, while the conclusion is the result or consequence. Therefore, the answer is B. Conditional.

2. The correct answer is D. If next month is January, then this month is the last of the year (hypothesis) and next month is January (conclusion).

To determine the correct conditional statement, we need to identify the correct hypothesis and conclusion. In this case, the hypothesis is "this month is the last of the year" and the conclusion is "next month is January". Therefore, the correct choice is D.

3. The correct answer is B. Two angles are vertical angles only if they are not adjacent to each other and are formed by two intersecting lines.

A good definition for a biconditional statement should have an "if and only if" condition, meaning that both parts of the statement are necessary for the other to be true. In this case, the biconditional statement is not a good definition because it only includes one condition (angles being vertical), but does not include the condition that they are not adjacent and formed by intersecting lines. Therefore, the correct choice is B.

4. The correct answer is A. Transitive property.

The transitive property of equality states that if a = b and b = c, then a = c. In the given statement, if m < A + m < B = m < C, we can rewrite it as m < A = m < C - m < B. By applying the transitive property, we can conclude that m < A = m < C - m < B.

5. The correct answer is C. If a < 15, then a < 10 (true).

To write the converse of a conditional statement, we switch the hypothesis and the conclusion. In this case, the given conditional statement is "if a < 10, then a < 15". The converse of this statement is "if a < 15, then a < 10". The converse is true because if a number is less than 15, it is guaranteed to be less than 10 as well.

6. The correct answer is D. 40 = 6x ÷ 8.

Using the multiplication property of equality, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for 6x. This gives us 6x ÷ 8 = 40. Therefore, the correct choice is D.

7. The correct answer is B. If P = Q, then P + S = Q + S.

The addition property of equality states that if two quantities are equal, then adding the same quantity to both sides will still yield equal quantities. Therefore, in this case, the correct choice is B.

8. The correct answer is C. x = 10.

Vertical angles are congruent, meaning they have the same measure. Therefore, we can set up an equation: 6x - 22 = 4x + 2. By solving this equation, we get x = 10. Therefore, the correct choice is C.

9. The correct answer is B. Symmetric property.

The symmetric property of equality states that if a = b, then b = a. In this case, the statement is RS = +~RS, which means if RS is equal to another quantity, then that quantity is equal to RS. This demonstrates the symmetric property. Therefore, the correct choice is B.