For some reason, this hasn't clicked yet. Can someone explain subtracting negative and positive integers? I get it when you put it in money terms, but when it's like this problem (-2 – 5 = -7) it just doesn't make sense. Please help, math nerds out there!

If both signs are positive, the answer will be positive.

Example: 14 - (-6) = 14 + 6 = 20
If both signs are negative, the answer will be negative.
Example: -14 - (+6) = -14 - 6 = -20
If the signs are different subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger absolute value. The sign will be the sign of the integer that produced the larger absolute value.
Example: 14 - (+6) = 14 - 6 = 8
Example: -14 - (-6) = -14 + 6 = -8
hopes this helps

Thank you! That's way more simple than some other ways it's been explained. Hopefully, this will actually "click" with me. Thanks again.

no prob have a nice day

You too!

Sure, I'd be happy to help explain subtracting negative and positive integers!

When subtracting negative and positive integers, it's helpful to think of it in terms of a number line. The number line can assist you in visualizing the concept.

In this case, the problem is -2 - 5 = -7. To solve this, you can think of starting at -2 on the number line and then moving 5 units in the negative direction.

If you think of the number line as a representation of real-world "movement," moving 5 units in the negative direction means you are traveling to the left. So, starting from -2, if you move 5 units to the left, you will end up at -7.

You can also think of it in terms of adding the opposite. Since subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive, you can rewrite the problem as -2 + (-5) = -7. Now it's clear that you are adding a negative number, which is the same as subtracting a positive.

For example, -2 + (-5) means you start at -2 and then move 5 units in the negative direction. Again, you end up at -7.

So, in summary, subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive and vice versa. By thinking of it in terms of a number line or adding the opposite, you can visualize the process and find the correct answer.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the concept of subtracting negative and positive integers for you!