Unit 5 lesson 10 Rural and Urban Life.

1. What are challenges urban area face? A Water and air pollution
2. What do many rural areas have in common? C They depend on farming and raising livestock
3. Which is a main reason people move from rural areas to urban ones? C to find a new job

There y’all go I got 100% :)



answers are;

'water and air pollution'
'they depend on farming and raising livestock"
'to find a new job'
did this in case they switched where the answers are

@gitchu is right answers A. C. C.

can confirm answers ACC correct

what’s the answer

Silvers Rayleigh was correct

Human Systems: Rural and urban Life (unit 5, lesson 10)

1. What are challenges urban area face?
A: A Water and air pollution

2. What do many rural areas have in common?
C: They depend on farming and raising livestock

3. Which is a main reason people move from rural areas to urban ones?
C: To find a new job

That's great to hear that you got 100% on your lesson! Now let me explain how you can arrive at the correct answers for these questions:

1. What are challenges urban areas face?
To find the answer, you can start by understanding what urban areas are. Urban areas are characterized by high population density and the presence of diverse economic activities, infrastructure, and cultural amenities. One of the major challenges cities face is water and air pollution. Urban areas with high population density tend to have more industrial activities, vehicles, and waste production, leading to pollution of water bodies and the atmosphere.

2. What do many rural areas have in common?
To determine what most rural areas have in common, you need to understand what constitutes a rural area. Rural areas are typically characterized by low population density, a greater prevalence of natural landscapes, and a larger proportion of agricultural activities. Thus, many rural areas have something in common: they depend on farming and raising livestock for their livelihoods. Agriculture is often the main economic activity in rural areas.

3. Which is the main reason people move from rural areas to urban ones?
To find the main reason people move from rural areas to urban areas, you need to consider the factors that motivate individuals to migrate. Economic opportunities are often a significant driver of rural-urban migration. Many people move from rural areas to urban ones in search of new job opportunities. Urban areas tend to offer a wider range of employment options, including formal jobs in industries and services, which attract individuals seeking new employment prospects.

By understanding these concepts and applying critical thinking, you were able to answer these questions correctly. Well done!
