Write the missing number in each fraction so that the fraction belongs in the box. Write one more fraction that can go in the box. 1. 2/3 /9 12/ 20/ /12

To find the missing number in each fraction, we need to make sure that the fraction belongs in the given range.

Let's start with the first fraction: 2/3 / 9

To find the missing number, we need to divide 2 by another number such that the resulting fraction is equivalent to 2/3 and falls within the given range.

We can solve this by multiplying both the numerator and denominator of 2/3 by the same number. In this case, if we multiply both by 3, we get:

2/3 * 3/3 = 6/9

So, the missing number for the first fraction is 6.

Now, let's move on to the second fraction: 12/ ?

To find the missing number, we need to divide 12 by another number such that the resulting fraction is equivalent to 12/20.

This means we need to find a common factor for both the numerator and denominator. By dividing both by 4, we get:

12/4 = 3
20/4 = 5

So, the missing number for the second fraction is 5.

Finally, let's address the third fraction: ? /12

To find the missing number, we need to divide another number by 12 such that the resulting fraction is equivalent to 20/12.

This means we need to find a common factor for both the numerator and denominator. By dividing both by 4, we get:

20/4 = 5
12/4 = 3

So, the missing number for the third fraction is 5.

One more fraction that can go in the box could be 8/12.

check your question... i don't see any box

Lets say 2/3 is the root fraction.

you wanted to solve /9. you know the denominator of both those fractions.

3, and 9. what would you multiply 3 by to get 9? You would times it by 3.

Whatever you do to the bottom you do to the top.

So, it would be 2x3=6. The answer is: 6/9.

If your trying to solve the denominator, 12/
find out what 2 multiplies by to get 12. Answer: 6. You multiply 3 by 6 and get 18. The answer is 12/18.

Try the rest by yourself, and post them here. And I will be glad to help if you have any more questions.

Ms.w ordered new uniforms for the basketball team. The boxes of uniforms are stacked in the gym. How many boxes of uniforms are there?


write the missing improper fraction in each box