Scientists discover a species that is unicellular and has chloroplasts. Which of these could it be? (1 point)

A dinophyte, a type of protist
A dinophyte, a type of protist

A green sea slug, a type of animal
A green sea slug, a type of animal

An oak tree, a type of plant
An oak tree, a type of plant

A chloroflexi, a type of bacteria
A chloroflexi, a type of bacteria

if anyone has the answers for the whole quiz can you help me find them?

i picked B not sure if its right though

whats the answer u picked though?/??

To determine which of these options could be a unicellular species with chloroplasts, we need to understand the characteristics of each option:

1. A dinophyte, a type of protist: Dinophytes are unicellular protists that can be photosynthetic and have chloroplasts. Therefore, this could be a possible answer.

2. A green sea slug, a type of animal: Sea slugs are multicellular animals and do not possess chloroplasts. Therefore, this option is not correct.

3. An oak tree, a type of plant: Oak trees are multicellular plants and do have chloroplasts, but they are not unicellular. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

4. A chloroflexi, a type of bacteria: Chloroflexi are bacteria that can perform photosynthesis, but they do not have chloroplasts. Instead, they have specialized structures called chlorosomes. Therefore, this option is not correct.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer is:
- A dinophyte, a type of protist