Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

a) Simplify the expression and explain each step. (2 points)


b) Factor the expression completely. (1 point)




4(3x+2)-2 when simplified becomes 12x + 6.

When 20b - 16 is completely factored, the expression becomes 4(5b - 4).
The BODMAS rule would be used to simplify the expression, BODMAS is an abbreviation for bracket, of, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. It dictates the order in which a mathematical expression should be solved.
The first step is to expand the term in the bracket by multiplying by 4
12x + 8 - 2
The second step is to add similar terms together
12x + 6
In order to simplify the expression, the highest common factor of 20 and 16 has to be determined. The highest common factor is 4.
The second step is to divide both numbers by 4.
The expression becomes 4(5b - 4).
🌟Depressed Insomniac🌟 out

nvm im wrong here the answers


Thank sooooooooo much students u are so smart i love u all .good job on cheating

4(3x+2)-2 when simplified becomes 12x + 6.

When 20b - 16 is completely factored, the expression becomes 4(5b - 4).
The BODMAS rule would be used to simplify the expression, BODMAS is an abbreviation for bracket, of, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. It dictates the order in which a mathematical expression should be solved.
The first step is to expand the term in the bracket by multiplying by 4
12x + 8 - 2
The second step is to add similar terms together
12x + 6
In order to simplify the expression, the highest common factor of 20 and 16 has to be determined. The highest common factor is 4.
The second step is to divide both numbers by 4.
The expression becomes 4(5b - 4).

a) To simplify the expression, we can follow the order of operations and distribute the 4 to both terms inside the parentheses:

4 * (3x + 2) - 2

First, distribute the 4 to each term inside the parentheses:

4 * 3x + 4 * 2 - 2

This simplifies to:

12x + 8 - 2

Next, combine the like terms:

12x + 6

So, the simplified expression is 12x + 6.

b) To factor the expression completely, we can start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of both terms:

20b - 16

The GCF of 20 and 16 is 4, so we can factor it out:

4(5b - 4)

Therefore, the expression is completely factored as 4(5b - 4).

i thinks it 18

and i don't think u have to simplify seeing it in its simplest form