1) What are the methods for structuring and presenting information called?

Organizational strategies.

2) What is the focus of informative writing?
To explain a concept.

3) Which part of an informative essay introduces the main idea or topic?

4) Which part of an informative essay helps the reader both see and hear the information?

5) Which organizational structure would be the best structure for an informative essay about how birds are categorized into species?

I hope this helps, although I don't support cheating, hopefully, you can understand the meanings a bit more from this ! ^^

1. A organizational strategies

2. D to explain a concept
3. D introduction
4. B multimedia
5. D classification

hope that helped .

(hi) you are wrong i got 100% with White snakes answers.you are wrong

"…although I don't support cheating…"


i got 100% with hi. tysm!

White snake 100% I did not know who but its white snake and just know I like my name

Sooo......Whats The Answer???

i should have listened to white snake

white snake is correct I used them and got 100 hi your wrong

1) The methods for structuring and presenting information are called organizational strategies. These strategies help organize the content of a piece of writing, presentation, or any form of information. Examples of organizational strategies include chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem-solution, among others. By using appropriate organizational strategies, writers and presenters can make their information clear, logical, and easy to follow.

To identify the organizational strategy used in a piece of writing, you can look for clues within the text. Pay attention to the order in which information is presented, any transitions or signal words, and the overall structure of the piece. By analyzing these elements, you can determine the organizational strategy being used.

2) The focus of informative writing is to provide knowledge and explain a concept or topic to the reader. Informative writing aims to inform, educate, and enhance the reader's understanding of a specific subject. This type of writing can be found in textbooks, articles, reports, and informational websites.

When writing an informative piece, it's important to consider your audience's background knowledge and interests. Use clear and concise language, provide relevant examples and evidence, and organize your information in a logical manner. The goal is to make complex or unfamiliar concepts accessible and understandable to the reader.

3) The part of an informative essay that introduces the main idea or topic is the introduction. In the introduction, the writer provides background information on the topic, states the purpose of the essay, and presents a thesis statement. The thesis statement is a concise statement that summarizes the main point or argument of the essay.

To write a strong introduction, you can start with a hook to grab the reader's attention, provide some context or background information, and end with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main idea of the essay. The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the essay and gives the reader a preview of what to expect.

4) The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is multimedia. Multimedia refers to any combination of text, audio, images, video, and interactive elements used to present information. Including multimedia in an informative essay can enhance the reader's understanding and engagement with the content.

Examples of multimedia in an essay can include embedded images or charts, audio recordings or interviews, videos or animations, and hyperlinks to additional online resources. When incorporating multimedia, it's important to ensure that it is relevant, supports the main points or arguments, and is appropriately cited or credited.

5) The best organizational structure for an informative essay about how birds are categorized into species would be classification. Classification is an organizational strategy that groups similar items or ideas together based on shared characteristics or criteria. In the context of the essay about bird species, the writer would categorize different types of birds based on their specific attributes, such as appearance, habitat, behavior, or evolutionary history.

To use the classification organizational structure, the essay could be divided into sections or paragraphs dedicated to different categories of bird species. Each category would present information about the characteristics, examples, and distinctions of the birds within that specific group. This organizational structure helps readers understand the similarities and differences between bird species and provides a logical and systematic presentation of information.

Thank you so much @White snake

@hi please do not post things that are not true.

Dont listen to white snake they are wrong i got a 0% the correct answers are

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A