What is an example of a physical change caused by the reactive force between two colliding objects, different from those described in the options above?

An example of a physical change caused by the reactive force between two colliding objects, different from those described above, is the deformation of objects during a collision. When two objects collide, the reactive force between them can cause the objects to change shape or become deformed. For instance, when a car crashes into a wall, the front part of the car may crumple or deform due to the reactive force from the collision. Similarly, when a ball hits a solid surface, it may change shape temporarily, such as flattening or denting, before returning to its original form. These deformations are a result of the reactive forces generated during the collision.

To answer this question, we first need to understand what a physical change is and how the reactive force between two colliding objects can cause it.

A physical change refers to a transformation in the physical properties of an object or a substance without altering its chemical composition. This can include changes in shape, size, state of matter (solid, liquid, gas), or other observable physical characteristics.

When two objects collide, a reactive force is generated between them due to their interaction. This force can cause various physical changes depending on the nature of the collision and the objects involved. Here's an example of a physical change caused by the reactive force during a collision:

Imagine a steel ball being thrown against a glass window. As the ball collides with the window, the reactive force exerted by the ball on the window causes it to crack or shatter. This is a physical change since the shape and structure of the glass window have been altered without any chemical reactions taking place.

It's important to note that this is just one example, and there can be other physical changes resulting from the reactive force between colliding objects. The actual physical change that occurs depends on factors such as the materials involved, the speed and angle of collision, and the elasticity of the objects.