which model of service delivery is LEAST proactive

A: Public health model
B: Social service model
C: Human service model
D: Medical model

To determine which model of service delivery is the least proactive, let's first understand what each model entails:

1. Public Health Model: This model focuses on preventing diseases and promoting health within populations, rather than solely treating individuals who are already sick. It involves activities such as health education, immunization programs, and community health interventions.

2. Social Service Model: This model aims to strengthen social systems and provide support services to individuals and families in need. It focuses on addressing social issues and providing resources to improve the well-being of communities.

3. Human Service Model: This model emphasizes a holistic approach to addressing the needs and challenges of individuals. It encompasses a wide range of services, such as counseling, employment assistance, and housing support, with the goal of enhancing people's overall quality of life.

4. Medical Model: This model is primarily concerned with diagnosing and treating illnesses or medical conditions. It typically focuses on the individual patient and uses medical interventions to restore physical health.

To identify the least proactive model among these options, we need to assess which one is less focused on proactive measures and more oriented towards reactive and curative approaches.

The Medical Model (option D) tends to be the least proactive among the given options. It primarily focuses on providing medical treatments and interventions once a person has already become sick or is experiencing a health issue. This model generally does not prioritize prevention or community-based health initiatives.

Therefore, the least proactive model of service delivery among the given options is the Medical Model (D).