The sum of the second and third term is6 and the sum of the third and fourth is -12.Find,

_The common ratio
_The sum of number of consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression is 19,1/2.The first term is 16,1/2 and the common difference is -3.Find the number of terms.

ar+ar^2 = 6

ar^2 + ar^3 = -12
now solve for r

Sn = n/2 (2a + (n-1)d) so you have
n/2 (2(16 1/2) + (n-1)(-3)) = 19 1/2
I suspect a typo


To find the common ratio of a geometric progression given two terms, we can set up a system of equations using the information we have.

Let's say the second term is denoted as a, and the third term is denoted as ar, where r represents the common ratio.

Given that the sum of the second and third terms is 6, we can write the equation as:
a + ar = 6 ----(1)

Similarly, let's say the third term is denoted as b, and the fourth term is denoted as br.
Given that the sum of the third and fourth terms is -12, we can write the equation as:
b + br = -12 ----(2)

To find the common ratio, we will solve this system of equations.

From equation (1), we can rewrite it as:
a(1 + r) = 6

From equation (2), we can rewrite it as:
b(1 + r) = -12

Dividing equation (2) by equation (1), we get:
(b(1 + r))/(a(1 + r)) = -12/6
b/a = -2

Since b/a = r (common ratio), we can substitute r with -2, giving us:
r = -2

Therefore, the common ratio of the geometric progression is -2.

Now let's solve the second problem:

To find the number of terms of an arithmetic progression given the sum of the consecutive terms, first term, and common difference, we can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic progression:

Sum = (n/2) * (2a + (n-1)d)

Sum = 19,1/2
First term (a) = 16,1/2
Common difference (d) = -3

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:
19,1/2 = (n/2) * (2 * 16,1/2 + (n-1) * (-3))

Expanding the equation:
19,1/2 = (n/2) * (33 + (-3n + 3))

Multiplying through by 2 to cancel out the fraction:
39 = n * (33 - 3n + 3)

Simplifying the equation:
39 = n * (36 - 3n)

Expanding further:
39 = 36n - 3n^2

Rearranging this quadratic equation to standard form:
3n^2 - 36n + 39 = 0

Using the quadratic formula to solve for n:
n = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

For this equation, a = 3, b = -36, and c = 39.

Substituting these values into the quadratic formula, we get:
n = (-(-36) ± √((-36)^2 - 4*3*39)) / 2*3
n = (36 ± √(1296 - 468)) / 6
n = (36 ± √828) / 6

Taking the square root of 828:
√828 ≈ 28.792

Now substituting this value back into the equation, we get:
n ≈ (36 ± 28.792) / 6

Simplifying the equation gives us two possible values for n:
n ≈ (36 + 28.792) / 6 ≈ 9.465
n ≈ (36 - 28.792) / 6 ≈ 1.108

Since the number of terms in an arithmetic progression must be a whole number, we can conclude that the number of terms is approximately 9.

Therefore, the number of terms in the arithmetic progression is 9.

To find the common ratio in a geometric progression, we use the information given about the sum of the second and third term. Let's denote the terms as a, ar, and ar^2 (where a is the first term, r is the common ratio). According to the given information:

The sum of the second and third term is 6:
(ar) + (ar^2) = 6
ar + ar^2 = 6

To find the common ratio, we can utilize the sum of the third and fourth term. So, the terms would be ar^2 and ar^3. Based on the given information:

The sum of the third and fourth terms is -12:
(ar^2) + (ar^3) = -12
ar^2 + ar^3 = -12

Now, we have a system of equations with two unknowns. We can solve these equations simultaneously to find the values of a and r.

Solving the system of equations:

From the equation ar + ar^2 = 6, we can factor out 'ar':
ar(1 + r) = 6

From the equation ar^2 + ar^3 = -12, we can factor out 'ar^2':
ar^2(1 + r) = -12

Dividing the second equation by the first equation:
(ar^2(1 + r))/(ar(1 + r)) = -12/6
Canceling out the common terms and simplifying:
r = -2

Therefore, the common ratio in the geometric progression is -2.


To find the number of terms in an arithmetic progression, we use the information given about the sum of the consecutive terms. Let's denote the terms as a, a+d, a+2d, ..., a+(n-1)d (where a is the first term, d is the common difference, and n is the number of terms).

The sum of the number of consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression is 19 1/2:
(n/2)(2a + (n-1)d) = 19 1/2

The first term a = 16 1/2
The common difference d = -3

Substituting the values into the equation:
(n/2)(2(16 1/2) + (n-1)(-3)) = 19 1/2

Simplifying the expression inside the parentheses:
(n/2)(33 - 3n + 3) = 19 1/2
(n/2)(36 - 3n) = 19 1/2

Multiplying both sides by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
n(36 - 3n) = 39

Expanding the equation:
36n - 3n^2 = 39

Rearranging the terms:
3n^2 - 36n + 39 = 0

Simplifying and factoring:
(n - 3)(3n - 13) = 0

Setting each factor equal to zero and solving for n:
n - 3 = 0 or 3n - 13 = 0
n = 3 or n = 13/3

Since the number of terms cannot be a fraction, the number of terms in the arithmetic progression is 3.