Explain why a change in the shape of an active site denatures an enzyme, and discuss the impact on the chemical reaction that relies on an enzyme that has been denatured. Write 3-5 sentences.

these teachers better go back and worry about their minimum wage job before throwing shade on us.

There are many ways to explain but here is one of them,


When the particles mix with other types of substances the Enzymes will collect the proteins causing the main object to Rust, Desolve, or liquify, sometimes even harden. But in the cases of it denaturing would be for the enzyme to eat up unwanted nutrients or germs like alcohol would for a wound, disinfecting or preventing the item from becoming sick, molding, Ect.


@CA Teacher,
I wonder who you really are!
Connections academy does have an Honor code.
But that doesn’t mean they will write a comment on this website.
What they’d do is that if they find your answer a little suspicious.
They would look up the answer and see where you got it from.

(Fun Fact: I am not a real warning!
Just trying to let you know what CA teachers really do!
And telling some facts to fellow students! :)

Thank you, and have a great day and night!

@Connections teacher.

Once again,
You are still wrong.
Like I just said to the other person or whoever they really are.

Connections academy is not watching you!
They know these websites exist, but that doesn’t mean they would write a comment! If they find your answer a little suspicious they would look up the answer and see where you got it!

You know we're watching, right? #honorcodeviolation #nicetry #nocreditforyou

Lol, the wrong answer anyways, homie. Try posting this as an answer on my exam and see what happens. #zeros4heros #essays4days

This is a violation of the Honor Code for Connections Academy. Shame on you.