A trapezoid is graphed on a coordinate grid and then reflected across the x-axis. Then, the new image of the trapezoid was reflected again, but this time over the y-axis. If a vertex of the original trapezoid is located at (x, y), which ordered pair represents the new vertex after both transformations have been applied?


To find the new vertex after both transformations have been applied, we need to understand how the reflections across the x-axis and y-axis affect the coordinates.

Reflection across the x-axis: When a point (x, y) is reflected across the x-axis, the y-coordinate changes its sign. So, the new y-coordinate becomes -y, while the x-coordinate remains the same.

Reflection across the y-axis: When a point (x, y) is reflected across the y-axis, the x-coordinate changes its sign. So, the new x-coordinate becomes -x, while the y-coordinate remains the same.

Now, let's apply these transformations step by step.

Original vertex: (x, y)
After reflection across the x-axis: (x, -y)
After reflection across the y-axis: (-x, -y)

Therefore, the ordered pair that represents the new vertex after both transformations have been applied is (-x, -y).